Membership Chairman
It shall be the duty of the Membership Chairman of the Association to which an application for original membership is addressed to satisfy the Executive as to the correctness of the facts contained in the application, to thoroughly investigate the character of the applicant, their eligibility and suitability for membership in the Association.
Shall ensure the association membership reflects the actual membership.
Shall provide the secretary with membership totals as required for R.C.N.A per capita tax calculations.
Shall inform the Executive when applications would exceed our limitation as set down in the Constitution and/or By-laws.
Shall turn over all monies received for membership fees and dues to the Treasurer.
Shall maintain a list of all Life and Honorary memberships.
Shall ensure that Life and Honorary Members receive membership cards.
Shall ensure that applicants receive an official receipt for membership fees and dues.
Shall maintain a record system on members. There shall be an application form on file for all members. Current addresses are required.
Shall be responsible for the design and stock of membership cards and By-law books.
Shall inform the Publicity Chairman of:
Names and addresses of new members
Changes in existing addresses