*If you live in Oxford County, you must attend at least 1 meeting per year, to ensure your Membership.
*If you live outside of Oxford County, no meeting is required.
Classes of Membership
The membership of the Association shall be divided into the fol1owing classes:
- Regular Membership: (Naval)
The Regular Membership shall consist of the applicants for the Association and of such other individuals who are serving or retired Naval personnel and can produce proof acceptable to the Executive that they are serving or did serve in the Royal Canadian Navy, the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, the Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, Canadian Coast Guard, the Royal Navy or any of the Allied Navies, Sea Cadet and Navy League Cadet Officers and such other individuals who can produce proof acceptable to the Executive that they did serve with any of the Allied merchant Navies on the high seas and upon proof so being accepted, are admitted as Regular Members by the Executive. - Associate Membership
The Associate Membership shall consist of individuals who are or have been Canadian Army or Royal Canadian Air Force veterans or individuals who have served in Allied Armed Forces, or any active serving Police Officer of City, Municipal or Provincial status and to include R.C.M.P. Officers and can produce proof acceptable to the Executive. - Affiliate Membership
Sons, daughters or grandchildren of former Armed Service Personnel providing acceptable proof. - Social Membership
Social Membership must not exceed 50% of combined Regular, Associate and Affiliate Membership.